Sliding Trays – Part 5


Today I attached the floor boards to the bottom tool tray with 1″ headless brad cut nails.  I left about 3/32″ gap between the two boards for expansion.  The first nail I drove in split the wood a little, reminding me that you always have to pre-drill with cut nails.  But these brads are so small that even the smallest bit I had would be too big.  So I went to Harbor Freight and bought a pack of tiny twist bits.  I ended up using one of the middle sizes; the smallest ones are only about 1mm.  There were no more splits after that.


Most people attach the tray runners with nails and glue, but I had decided to use screws.  So after sawing and planing the runners down to their final height, I drilled countersinks and clearance holes, and then attached them to the chest with slotted brass screws.