Second Spring


The Japanese Skimmia have little white flowers now.  The ‘June’ Hosta is starting to come up.  The other original hostas haven’t shown any activity yet.

The hydrangeas have leafed out pretty well so far.


The hydrangeas are even bigger now.  The Yellow Wax Bells is leafing out, hostas and bunchberries are too.  This year I remembered to install a peony cage for the Fringe Cups, hopefully that will keep the whole plant from leaning to the western sun.  The Lentin Rose has put on lots of new leaves.


Well, it looks like the hydrangeas will be pink this year.  I mixed in some aluminum sulfate back in the fall, which should have made the soil more acidic (this makes the blooms blue), but I guess I didn’t use enough, or it didn’t get down to the roots, or something.  Hm.  I prefer the blue, of course, but the pink will be nice too.



So, some of the hydrangea blooms are kinda blue, or at least light purple, and most are pink.  I guess some of the aluminum sulfate had an effect, just not enough to make them all blue.